Friday, August 28, 2009

thank you Bruce

Bruce S. Fowle, FAIA, LEED AP of FX FOWLE

Can you not tell by looking at his face that this man is approachable?

Indeed, all we want as journalists and young professionals is to meet an expert who is not simply willing to share their knowledge and wisdom, but someone who will do so with nearly no reservations.

Bruce S. Fowle, FAIA, LEED AP of FX FOWLE Architects in NYC is a beacon of light for young professionals.

Sometimes designers think that they should keep their ideas and experience under wraps for fear of it being stolen and capitalized upon. Afterall, this is what happened often to Renaissance artists and architects. Yet, back then, the only way an art progressed was through masters teaching apprentices.

Most of us are not so highly reputed designers and yet we still hold our tongues back from giving advice. I believe the design profession would be much better if we would better contribute to one another.

In short:
Bruce is always available for an interview.
Bruce will tell elaborate details about his projects.
Bruce will tell you about new research in which he is embarking.
Bruce will give you advice about how a green architectural office should be run.
Bruce will give you personal career advice.
He will not sugar coat his responses.

To find out about the details, visit:
AIA Ohio Architypes, Summer 2009 Issue

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