Thursday, December 11, 2008

moms at work

You are looking at the little blond-headed reason why I work as a freelance writer part-time from home. I worked at two different architecture firms after he was born, asking for flexibility with my work schedule so that I would not have to make the choice between FAMILY or WORK.

In the AIA Ohio Architypes Winter 08 Newsletter, I wrote an article entitled, "Caution: Moms at Work." It is yet another plea for women in the architecture field who have children... for employers to understand better the life of a working mother and to have more compassion.

East Germany started a program that supported working mothers with state-subsidized childcare, laundry services, one-year paid maternity leave, and hot lunches for moms and babies. As a result, psychologists found that the moms felt less guilty and were were much more productive and happy workers. Babies were also happier because their moms were better equipt to care for them in the evening hours.

You can read the full article at"newsletters".... "winter 08"... second page.

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1 comment:

  1. Here is the specific link to the AIA article:

    Blogger readers can be assumed to be lazy.
