Friday, November 14, 2008

Passive Solar Design

WM. G. Murray Conference Center, Living History Farms, Des Moines, Iowa.
Photo credit: Patsy K. Anderson.

I just completed a CEU course for registered architects related to Passive Solar Design for Design Arts Seminars.

I first saw this building as an elementary school student with my mom, brother, sister, and another mom & her kids. At a young age, I was interested in architecture... and this building was probably the first building to make me think! As a child, I thought it was ridiculous to bury a building or a home... afterall no one could really answer my questions.

In fact, I couldn't have answered any of my questions until I completed this CEU course this week. The biggest discovery I made was that Passive Solar Design is not so complicated and not so expensive... I found that many of the high confluent architecture books are attributed to making passive solar design ethereal and unattainable unless you become a scientiest or an engineer.

Not so, may I recommend Daniel D. Chiras' book, The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling? He provides a list of "do's" when designing passive solar homes... which easily translate to passive solar principles for commercial buildings as well.

Passive Solar Design is completely attainable and well worth all the effort... energy savings start out at a minimum of 30% and go all the way up to 80%.

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